Beautynomics - The Economics of Vanity |
...and they say vanity isn't economical. |
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
A Love Story Here's my love story. I know nobody's going to read this since it's Valentine's day, everyone is out with their loved ones, and I'm one of those people left in the city who is still busy staring, and typing on the computer screen as if it was a normal day. But that doesn't mean I don't have a love story to tell..... Love at first sight.... When I was very young, I would gaze adoringly and wondrously at the breathtaking models in commercial ads. I wanted to be like them- very fresh, beautiful, and head-turners. I was so addicted to watching commercial ads with beautiful girls, as they apply face powder , boys go chasing them. It was love for me. Forbidden Love... That was when I was aged eleven. I would always bug my yaya to buy me the face powders featured in TV ads, and give some of my allowance to her to buy that during her day-off. My mom absolutely forbid me to wear those products because I was too young to do so. Whenever my mom wasn't around, I would sneak into her vanity mirror, apply the face powder I just bought, use some of her lipstick, eyeshadows, and blush-on, and smile at myself. Pretty, pretty. I bet boys would like me. I just wore the model's powder! =) Sometimes the youth, are reckless. Too much innocence, disillusioned by a disappointing awakening.... Mistaking true love for something too good to be true... Instead of being more beautiful, I was in for a horrible realization. Those products made my skin breakout, as early as age thirteen. Short on budget, I was, I bought skin care products available at groceries, said to be for baby-skin, and used them during highschool. It didn't get well. I was freaking out , for during my age of puberty, my age of "self-consciousness", I was pimplish, my skin was horrible, a boy I actually liked, told my friend that he identified me as the girl with the pimples. Desolation. Feeling lost, disillusioned love creates more confusion within thyself. Looking for solace, looking for more love. My desperation caused me to be more confused. I was seeking for something to hold on to, something to cure my dreaded skin problem that I caused. I switched from brands to brands, wasting alot of money. My skin was the "immune" type - products work for a week or so, then after that, results stop from coming. It was heartbreaking. I had nowhere to go, nowhere to run to. Then on an unexpected moment, the one for you arrives... I stumbled on a brand that was not only expensive, it was VERY expensive for me. As a student, I had limited budget..but I took the risk. Bugged mom that it might be my saving grace, so she nicely gave me some money to buy a set. To my glee, it was a miracle. Pimples started clearing up, my skin started to get really smooth and flawless, I was glowing... Sometimes, people are too blind to see that love is in front of them, that leads them to go astray... With my stubborn attitude, I stumbled on another brand - which claimed it was better. Despite my friend's warning that I had to stick to what was working for me , I stopped my skin care, and switched to this. It started alright, but as other skin care brands did to me, it didn't last...I deserted this brand, and looked for other brands that would help me. I found a brand that was actually good enough for my skin, and used it for years, even though it didn't give the amazing effect that I experienced in my past, favorite brand. Love has its way of conspiring with the Universe to bring back those who are meant to be together... After college, I had a good job ( hello, my dad as my boss? cool! ) , and of course, I started to have funds of my own. When I noticed that my toner was in shortage, I saw this old catalogue of my favorite skin care brand that I deserted four years ago. Why not give it a try? I gave in, invested my cash again for that, and the rest, is history... The pain and the hurt can go away, but it will be scarred in the heart for a lifetime... Despite my finding "the one", it was still visible and evident that I suffered from my past brands - some little scars, discolorations, etc. Some will eventually fade away, some won't. Thank God for dermabrasion, laser surgery, and diamond peeling, they can go away! Once you've found the one, don't ever let go... I found out that the effects of that certain skin care brand was still great on my skin. It brought back the glow in my face, made my skin a whole lot clearer, and with my new beginning again, I shall never exchange my favorite skin care for another, no matter how much promises they give to me. I'd be a total fool, if I do so. The end! hehe =) Postface : Grabe, I just got home, my mom sure wasn't kidding when she said that Valentines Day equates to heavy traffic. I was swarmed with work, again, and it was my sister's "fitting-the-promdress-day. " I must say her dress was gorgeous! Of course, she's gorgeous - being a svelte beauty graced with height ( unlike me ), her Louis-Vuitton inspired dress looked qualified to walk the red carpet in the Oscars! hehe :) It's another entry! :) Anyway, I drowned in my Crunch chocolates - the only thing I have in the fridge. I swear, I'm never buying Ferreros for myself anymore. This entry is in the spirit of Valentine's day. I am not alone, I have my skin care with me, loving me, and taking care of me =) Extra Notes : HELP! Who's an expert of RSS/Atom, whatever you call that? mine's pretty f*cked up! And meta-tags, whatever you call that, too! Help, help, help :) Help me reach my message across my targetted audience! hehe =)
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An economics graduate that always hated her math but loved her theories. Believes that Economics can be found in : - the bathroom - in front of your vanity mirror - an in every place beautiful. Previous Posts
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